
Showing posts from January, 2023

Paper -2 general medicine .prefinal examination


Paper -1 general medicine .Prefinal examination

​paper -1 general medicine Prefinal examination 

A CASE OF 42YEAR OLD MALE k.swarnamukhi -1601006100

​ 42Year old male presented with complaints of,  Abdominal pain since 4 Days Decreased urine output since 4 Days Constipation since 4 Days Vomitings since 4 Days History of presenting illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 Days back then he complained of abdominal pain which is diffuse associated with vomitings which is bilious, non-projectile, greenish in color, associated with constipation, passed stools 3Days back.  Patient also complained of decreased urine output since 3Days. There is a history of continuous alcohol consumption since 10 Days without intake of food.  Stiffness of joints yesterday night.  No loss of consciousness, giddiness, fever.  Past History: Not a Known case of DM, HTN, Asthma, Epilepsy, CAD, CVA.  PERSONAL HISTORY  diet : mixed  Appetite : decreasd since 10 days  Sleep : addequate  Bowel habits:irregular bladder habits:regular  addictions :- h/0 of alcoholic intake since 30 years (sara)  FAMILY...