A 30 year old female came to hospital with CHEF COMPLAINTS OF: Facial puffiness ,pedal edema since 3months. &Sob since 2days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was asymptomatic 3months back then she developed facial puffiness and bilateral leg swelling pitting type PAST HISTORY: Known clinical history of -chronic renal failure & hypertension. TREATMENT HISTORY: Using antihypertensive medications since 4yrs. FAMILY HISTORY: mother also have hypertension. PERSONAL HISTORY: -Married, house wife Appetite-normal ,sleep: inadequate Diet: veg Bowel and bladder: normal Known allergies:no GENERAL EXAMINATION: Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative. -pallor on hands No icterus No clubbing, cyanosis Edema of both legs. VITALS: Temp-98.3c/f BP-110/80mm/hg PR-92bpm SP02-98% GRBS-104mg% CVS: -SIS2 HEARD RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: -BAE PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS: CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE Plan of care: hemodialysis INVESTIGATIONS: TREATMENT: Inj-epo 4000i.v s/c weekly Tab:Lasix 40mg po/...